Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 21

I don't know about Alexander but for us the 21st was an awful, horrible, no good day spending wise. Not as a whole of course because it was my baby boy's very first birthday but as a frugal day? It stunk.

It stunk because both DH and I ate out for lunch for a total of $13.28. We have GOT to get better. I say that knowing that you are going to see eating out on the Day 22 entry because it has already happened.

So, you want to know the awful part of yesterday? The flat tire I walked out of work to. There was screaming, crying and fussing....and the baby was pretty upset too. Did I mention it was raining buckets as I tried to air it up? Yeah. Darren arrived to manage to air it up in no time but we drove it over to Sears and confirmed a new tire was needed. Lovely.

Cost of dinner for the 3 of us from the food court as we waited for the tire? $16.91 Blech

Cost of the two little Chuck trucks we found at Sears for 1/2 off and decided to get Luke for his birthday? $6.23

Cost of the new tire? $125.60...double Blech

And finally Darren stopped for gas in the Malibu on the way home. $29.82

Total spend - $191.84 *cry*

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