Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10

Well *I* didn't buy crap today...but crap was bought none the less. And to me it is the crappiest of crap. Darren felt the need to venture out to....Harbor Freight. Sigh, it's like Target for a man, voodoo mind tricks and all.

I'll save you from the list of crap that was purchased because, well, I don't know what half of it is or does so I'll just give you the total...$16.60. Not as bad as it could have been that is for sure but still....

Total spent for the day - $16.60
YTD - $543.06

1 comment:

  1. LOL at it being like Target for a Man! I'm a mean wife (which Eric will tell anyone depending on when they ask!) and rarely does he get the chance to venture. buah haha!

