Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 20

Oops again! Needless to say I fell behind. Ok I'm going to think WAY back to the 20th (you know, all of 2 days ago). What amazes me is that it really is hard to remember what was spent two days ago, how scary is it that it is so easy to forget?

I did not do any better about going out to eat, in fact I ate out both breakfast and lunch. - $7.49

Darren stopped by the grocery store with the mission to get milk for Luke and somehow cottage cheese and icecream found their way into the cart too. - $9.87

And finally I made a run by Hobby Lobby to get a few things for the little guy's birthday (cake rounds and a '1' candle). I did make myself proud because I really wanted to get the cake rounds with the scalloped edges but they were twice the price so I reeled myself in. - $6.36

Total spent for the day - $23.72

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